Holland Biomass 4 Energy Solutions is a collaboration of several companies, manufacturing (turn-key) biomass conversion units on a farm scale and larger.
The partners are involved in the realisation of biodiesel plants, ethanol production plants, biogas plants, biomass incineration plants and combinations of these and other energy technologies. In addition, we draw expertise from a wide network of consultants, providing up to date knowledge, including biomass production (e.g. rape seed, corn, wood) and biomass pelletising. Together, we are your experts for the production, combustion and quality control of solid, liquid and gaseous biofuels.
Integrated concepts
We develop and design integrated concepts, taking into account biomass production, biomass certification and technological possibilities. Our installations are in operation to the full satisfaction of a number of Central and Northern European clients.
Individual recipe
On every individual project we advice the best solution, based on the quality of your feedstock and the capacity needed. In order to be able to give you an optimal advice on the recipe, we offer you an analysis of your feedstock when we offer our proposal. Because of our large experience we are able to give you a quick and very good service.